Two talks framed in the STEAMTeach project were given in the Tradition, Development & Innovation in Didactics – Early Career Researchers Conference (TDID – ERC). One of the talks was given by the Spanish team, and the other one by the Austrian one. In particular, the Spanish team (Zaira Ortiz-Laso, José M. Diego-Mantecón and Teresa F. Blanco) presented the STEAMTeach professional develop programme with the talk ‘A STEAM professional development program for training Spanish high school teachers’, whereas the Austrian one (Brigitta Békési, Tony Houghton and Zsolt Lavicza) emphasised on the project implementation. The conference was organised by Doctoral School at Babeș-Bolyai University and Linz School of Education at Johannes Kepler University. It was held online on 15th and 16th December 2022.