Jose M. Diego-Mantecón and Zaira Oriz-Laso (UC team) participated in two events organised at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos on April 19, 2022. José Manuel Diego did a talk «Implementation of STEAM activities at regular lessons: the importance of belonging to a diverse community» as part of the ‘Workshop: Advances in STEAM Education, looking for future synergies’. This workshop gathered national and international researchers. Zaira Ortiz gave the talk «Actividades STEAM con una alta componente tecnológica: ideas para el futuro profesor de primaria» (in English, STEAM activities with a high technological component: ideas for the future primary school teacher) as part of the ‘Jornada: uso de robótica y realidad aumentada en Educación Infantil y Primaria’ (in English, Conference: use of robotics and aumented reality in Early Childhood and Primary education), intended for pre-service teachers.

Poster workshop

Poster conference

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