José Manuel Diego-Mantecón (University of Cantabria) participated in the ISEP Seminars on Novel Teaching Methodologies. The seminar, Subject-specific teachers implementing STEAM activities at secondary school education: the importance of belonging to a diverse learning community, was organised by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto and the Sociedade Portuguesa para a Educação em Engenharia. It took place online on March 31st, 2022.



In many countries, secondary school education teachers are the result of a consecutive training program. Firstly, individuals enroll in a bachelor’s subject-specific degree (e.g., Physics) for later taking a teaching master’s degree that qualifies them to instruct a subject linked to their first degree (e.g., Maths or Physics). Secondary school education teachers (covering 12-18 years of age in Spain), are thus specialized in a specific subject. In other words, they do not receive, in their first degree nor in their master degree, interdisciplinary subject training to be able to implement an STEAM education approach in the classroom. Recent studies have shown that high school teachers with non- mathematics specialization face difficulties to foster the content of this subject in STEAM projects, while mathematics-specialized teachers try to avoid real projects where mathematics does not take a dominant role (Diego-Mantecón et al., 2021, 2022). In this seminar, I will present the strategy that the Open STEAM Group follows for naturally exploiting the implementation of the STEAM approach. This strategy focuses on receiving support from a STEAM-teaching community with teachers from diverse specializations, researchers, and professionals that assist other teachers on the design and implementation of integrated activities.

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